Evangel Children Kids Camp

Date:  JULY 27-30

Where:  Lakeview Camp, 2128 FM 66, Waxahachie, TX 75167

Ages:  8 - 12

Cost:  $290    

            $100 non-refundable deposit due on or before April 13

            Remainder due June 15

                 Cost is $300 if deposit & registration is done after April 13; $310 after June 15    

PaymentYou can make payments toward your child’s account in the church office and on our website evangelchurch.life (choose fund: registration/payment). Registration fee includes transportation to and from camp, bed, activities, & most meals. They’ll need money for lunch to & from camp.

Application: The properly completed and signed application includes a release for emergency medical treatment and other vital information. Online consent forms will be emailed (from Dropbox Sign) to the email address you provide on the application. Registration is complete when application and deposit are turned into church office and online consent is signed

Kids Camp Details: There will be a parent and camper meeting the week prior to camp with details about camp including dress code, what to bring, what not to bring, travel information, etc. Texas State Policy requires medication forms to be filled out 24 hours prior to camp for those taking medication. We will have these forms for you to complete on the day we leave for camp.